Friday, June 18, 2010

Me and the Clown

I always try to have fun while I’m living my life, no matter what it is I’m doing. My time communicating with my friends on Facebook is no exception.

Last week, I was visiting a friends ‘wall’ where she had posted the first line of a poem that she had written in grade 10. The comments that followed were filled with funny remarks and a few people – myself included – added some rhyming lines of our own. I thought that this was really funny, so I did something similar on my wall the next day.

Simply, I asked my friends to help me finish a poem. It began, “One day I was walking down the street, and by chance, I tripped over my feet. As I fell down…” When I logged onto Facebook the next day, there were quite a few comments for me to read. The comments came from a friend in South Africa, the USA and another fr
iend who I went to school with during my youth. I couldn’t stop laughing as I read their contributions to my poem.

The comments inspired me to want to share this hilarious creativity with you. I took all of their contributions - everyone added more than one - and I put them together in my brain blender to come up with the following results…

Me and the Clown

One day I was walking down the street
And, by chance, I tripped over my feet
As I fell down
I was caught by a clown
Who was marching to the soldiers beat!

I got up and brushed the dirt off of my knees
Wondering if the kids on my bus would tease
And draw pictures of Mr. Jim tripping over his feet
Being caught by a clown whose nose goes Beep! Beep!

Well, I thanked him for saving me so
For saving me from a suffering blow
Said the clown with a frown
“You’ll always fall down
With loose shoelaces on your feet”

I said, “They’re sandals” and I looked at him funny
Down he looked with surprise and proclaimed “It’s too sunny
To be wearing pink sandals that are three sizes too wide!
With those on your feet
You’ll never break through to the other side.”

He found me some others and then I ran to the park
Where I played with my imagination until the light turned to dark
People walked by, always being much too loud
So I found a quiet place where I gazed up at a cloud
As I looked up I wondered if there’d be a peace sign to see
A peace sign, a rainbow, some green grass for me

Later on while tucked into my bed
I thought about what that friendly clown had said
So never more will I wear sandals three sizes to wide
I’m so glad to have had that clown by my side!

Authors – Jim Kogelheide, Kym Tempelaar, Kim Lee & Jutta Hartlaub

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