Friday, July 24, 2009

More and More Peaceflowers!!!

A little over a month ago, I came up with a fun idea to inspire people from around the world to create peaceful art using chalk. The idea is very simple – those who want to use chalk to draw a peaceflower on a sidewalk where they live. Then I ask for a photograph to be emailed to me – – and finally I add the photo to my Facebook photoalbum.

This has turned out to be a very fun and totally interactive ‘World Art Attack’ – LOL – with art being created in many places. Here are the latest additions to my collection…

Janet has submitted a peaceflower before… and she enjoyed this challenge so much that she decided to draw another one, even more detailed and colourful than her first.

Last time Janet was drawing a peaceflower, her neighbours young daughter came over and asked if she could draw one, too. This time Janet had another artful companion – it wasn’t her neighbour’s daughter, it was her sister. Both of these were drawn in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. THANKS!!!

Since I’ve joined Facebook, I have connected with a lot of friends from elementary and high school. It’s been really fun for me when I see a peaceflower sent to me from one of these friends. This peaceflower was created by a high school friend’s daughter and her best friend. I like how they drew peace symbols in the flower petals, as well.

When I first started this little project, a FB friend from Pennsylvania told me that she lives in the country and has no sidewalks to draw on. I suggested that if there is a nearby barn that that would make a nice canvas. She used my suggestion. Kat drew the middle flower and her daughter and friend drew the other two. This is a small barn where they keep their horse.

A few of my friends have had difficulty figuring out how to email the photos to me, so they have created their own FB photoalbums on their profile page. I then, visit these pages and cut’n’paste their photos into a file for my own album. I would guess that there are about eight photoalbums entitled “Peaceflowers For Jim”. I think that this is great. Not only do I have my own photoalbum to share with others, but with all of these other photoalbums being created this art is being shared with even more people. I didn’t expect this… and it makes me happy!

This extreme artwork came to me from Canada’s east coast – from the capital of Nova Scotia. Lisa lives in Halifax and I can tell that she and her daughter had a blast creating all this art for me – LOL!!!! It looks like an art shop exploded onto the sidewalk – ha ha. I can count eleven peace symbols and the word ‘peace’ is written at least eight times. I wonder what their neighbours had to say about that!!! Thanks Alorna – your artwork is an inspiration to all!

This totally amazing peaceflower was in my email inbox, just a few days ago and WOW! This art put a huge smile on my face. Becca and I connected thro’ Facebook about a year ago and since then I’ve learned that she is involved with working with youths in a group called ‘Skills In Da Hood’. I think it’s a community drop in centre for children and teens and they are involved in many activities. Becca thought that my peaceflower idea would be something that her students would enjoy… and she was right. Just look at all the details and colours that were used in this group effort. This is my first peaceflower from Australia!

If any of you – my blog readers – would like to help me to continue to fill my photoalbum with ‘Peaceflowers From Around The World’ – then please do. I’ll be waiting….


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