Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Temagami Revisited

I’ve spent the last two days painting with the grade four students of Kensal Park… and what a blast we’ve been having!!!

I was supposed to have a guest speaker introduce this painting topic, but she had a medical emergency that kept her away. I decided that since my strongest topic for discussion is the Temagami Forestland that I would simply teach this subject again, but with a small change – compared to last time. The subject would be the same but the painting design would be totally new and fresh.

The teacher introduced me to the class and I began my own introduction for the workshop. I picked up my guitar and began to play a fun instrumental that I created when suddenly I was teleported into a concert stadium with thousands of cheering fans. That’s what it felt like. About ten seconds into this song all the students jumped to their feet and began clapping their hands above their heads, making lots of noise. I had a hard time controlling my laughter and delight.

After lunch, the painting began…

Today, we had just as much fun, although it was a soggy, rainy day outside…

Because of the rain, the students had their recess breaks indoors. During lunch time I had to make it through the crowded hallways to get to the teachers lounge. I passed by the classroom that I taught in about two weeks ago and the students poured out into the hall to say “Hi!” to me. I stopped and chatted with them for a few minutes. I continued on and passed by a group of students from my first class (which I taught over a month ago) and suddenly I had three children wrapping their arms around me giving me a big group hug. A teacher passed by this scene and she smiled while she held the lounge door for me. “They must really like you,” she commented. “I must be doing something right, then!” was my response.

While I was enjoying my lunch I noticed a small poster on the wall. It read “In years to come, the students that you teach may not remember what you taught them, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Inspirational words to live by.


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